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Sketch of someone I saw crossing the street outside my day job a couple of weeks ago. I swear I did not exaggerate any of the clothing for effect. I try not to ascribe the term bimbo to real people, especially ones I’ve never met, but I mean come on. If someone was like, “Hey Joe, draw me a bimbo,” this would be at least a 60% accurate result. And I don’t think I can stress enough how out of place this bimbo-adjacent style is in my part of the world. This is not a historic New England bimbo. She belongs on the West Coast. She was tanned in early May for God’s sake. I’m in Massachusetts, the leaves are barely budding by then.




See, now I'm curious as to your take on what a "historic New England bimbo" is, I hear that phrase and all I can think of is the brunette Harvard mean girl from Legally Blonde.


Here the bimbo has wandered out of his natural habitat but it is no matter. The bimbo is the apex predator and carves its own way through life, much as does a sharp knife through a block of aged hickory or the sex crazed nympho at Margarita Tex-Mex bar and grill on Cinco De Mayo.


Forgive Werner . . He has been working overtime on a bimbofication doc and his own proclivities and fantasies may have slipped subconsciously into his voice over. He'll get it right on take two.

Riley Holloway

She's far from natural bimbo territory