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So I tweeted out my hastily drawn Satina comic, and it got a thousand likes over the course of two days. This is why I get a little uncomfortable about some of my appearances/speaking gigs at my alma mater. It’s clear that I need the younger generation a hell of a lot more than they need me. Being talented on top of being born into the current level of technology and social media is such an incredible boon. Especially when you take an old fart like me who’s still like, “ShOUld i HaVe mAde THe UnDerBUrbs a WeBcOmIC?”





While it's true that you'd have a larger 'reach' as a webcomic, it's also an entierly different type of work and type of story telling that you cant write and depict a story in the same way that you can in physical media. People expect periodic regular updates with webcomics such that stories need to be broken down into little increments that can be individually posted. Sure, you could in theory do essentially a 'physical page' per post, but that's more of just taking a physical comic and posting it in web-format slowly over time than actually making a web-comic (and for some peole that DOES work, but it's not the same sort of audiance)


I for one am fortunate to have stumbled on Underburbs up at granite state comic con 9 or 10 years ago now.

Agent Eckswhy

Angela is doing Satina a frighten


Webcomics aren't dead tho :V


Hey, webcomics aren't dead, they're just not at the centre of internet culture like they used to be. But more to the point, I'd agree with Tharkis that the webcomic format wouldn't really suit your work (though there have been some truly great long-form webcomics such as Kill Six Billion Demons) though you certainly shouldn't rule out publishing in a digital format Comixology style.


I mean there have been published comics that've also uploaded their content online as a sort of webcomic. Empowered comes to mind. http://www.empoweredcomic.com/ Does a page every couple of days or so, with accessible links to buy the comic right there. Putting Underburbs on places other than Indieplanet in general might help...