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Here it is! The first Monthly Mutations Poll! Since the new tier stuff is going to take the place of the old weekend posts, I thought I should post it today rather than wait for September 1. The poll is now closed. 

Thanks for taking part in the first Monthly Mutation Poll!


High and hidden in the hills of Underborough stands a shrine to Pahtuuti, an ancient goddess of love. Her carved image kneels in the tall grass, arms open, face blank. She is both imposing and inviting. A set of steps leads to her hollowed chest, putting any wanderer face to face with her massive lips. An inscription reads:

"Greet me, Mortal.

With thine lips,

And hereupon

Receive my Gift."

One Underborough resident will happen upon this old goddess. Who will it be?



Let me vote for all 3 ;p


I’m picking if there’s a tie. I mean, a vote for all three is essentially like voting for zero. It puts no one in the lead.