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In this surprisingly wholesome and consequence-free epilogue, Angela has tripled herself and can now easily juggle her responsibilities! Don't pick apart the myriad ways in which this can go wrong, that's not what this story's about! The color version should be on DeviantArt soon.




Wow, the picture is great! I like the shading particuarly in the Angela doing her homework scene and the mall scene. Plus its great to see Angela just being happy for once in one these instead of there being and earth shattering consequence.

Wren Zephyr

So, looking at this Epilogue, I can’t help but think about the possible Epilogue to the Epilogue where we see how each Angels ends up. What happens to the one focused on magic and working with Winifred? Or the one who focuses on her studies and school activities? Or the one who focuses on hanging out, going to the mall, and presumably parties all the time? I feel like the magic of nature vs nurture would have some very different outcomes for each one

Wren Zephyr

Also is that Ophidia staring into the shop window?


They rotate. It wouldn’t be fair for one Angela to soak up all the R&R.


It... can be? It was just a hastily drawn, unspecified gorgon.

David abanes

huh neat, I'm just wondering though won't the 3 angelas develop different personalities based on what they do like the top one being more focused on being a witch, the middle one being more on being a perfect daughter, and the one on the bottom being just a shopper personality.


It’ll hopefully be clearer with the story attached, but the Angelas rotate their duties. I frankly don’t see how the other two would agree to the third getting to relax while they do literally all of the work.