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Here’s the thing about Abigail Pale: she didn’t get to where she is today by being the second-hottest gal strutting around Pale Manor. And if she must vie for that title against her own stepdaughter under the effects of a mysterious wand, then so be it.

But let’s say that wand’s effects wore off after a few days, leaving the victim with no memory of the experience. All that extra effort on Abby’s part might come off as a bit excessive and awkward.




Winifred's pain is our gain. (BTW, I'd still love to do a follow-up to "Abigail's Misstep" sometime, whenever you have the spare room in your schedule...)


Shelly never seems to be there when things like that happen lol


Send me the details anytime. I can start it soon after Issue 19 (which is making more progress now!)

Dennis Wiles

My Ex reacted the same way when I marched through her moms housecwearing her lingerie Cept more angry and with way more swearing.