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Power lines signify that Mecho has found his way out of the woods. He could be headed to a city or town. Maybe yours!

This is where the story ends for now. I'd like to continue it someday, but I'm not sure where to take it. I had plans for him to show up on some doorstep and make it into some kind of "boy and his robot" story, but I'm not sure how that doesn't just become an Iron Giant ripoff (without the Giant part).

But I hope you enjoyed this little comic. Shout-outs go to my wonderful girlfriend Meg, who found the CD these were saved on. I really thought for a long time that the files were purged from a hard drive at my old job.




Yeah, it is a nice concept that works great in that framework. But difficult to see how much further you'd take it unless he has a lot more capabilities.


love the framing on this one and how it conveys travel =)


The CD story is really fascinating. I bet it's like finding an old film camera, developing the film that was in there and looking at all the pictures. A certain air of mystery and wonder about that.


The disc was still labeled “MECHO SCANS,” so it’s not like I was popping random CDs into my computer. It’s just that it was seven years old, which was enough time for me to forget I even burned it in the first place.


Oh, he’s got all the capabilities he can scan! He’s a little like Kirby. Okay, he’s exactly like Kirby. That may have been another reason why I stopped.


Thanks! I also liked ending it with a more successful run of Mecho’s Frog Mode.