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Here’s a quickie from memory of Darkstalkers representative and Vs Series mainstay, Morrigan Aensland. I hated how her lower legs came out, and I reserve the right to edit them out.



Dennis Wiles

In the VS series she's my main but my favorite Darkstalker of all time is Q-Bee


It’s been so long since I played Darkstalkers that I honestly don’t know who my main was. I liked Lilith’s rhythm game super, but I think Lei-Lei or Bulletta (sorry, my copy is a Saturn import) were at the top of my list. That and trying in vain to pull off Midnight Bliss.

Dennis Wiles

Midnight bliss was nothing compared to pulling off the level 3 version of Anakaris' super. Pharoah's Salvation and it was a hit or miss instant combo that poisoned burned froze shocked turned to stone then transformed and crushed your victim. Lei Lei and Bulletta I liked just fine Lilith was like SF's Dan to me she was fun in her own comedic value I used Q-Bee and Morrigan mostly but Q-Bee I loved. Its still to this day my favorite fighting franchise its just a shame it sold so badly here in the states I'd live to see a new one. A few years back Capcom had said "Darkstalkers Aren't Dead" but years waiting pretty sure its a dead franchise.