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Dead Duck has never been seen in the pages of The Underburbs, but I've had multiple cancelled plans for him. In earlier planning stages, I pictured Winifred as a Rita Repulsa figure, sending Monsters of the Week to cause havoc in the human world. Dead Duck was actually an animated hunk of graveyard soil (with headstones for a bill, wings, feet, etc.) who could pluck skeletons from the ground. If this sounds like a video game boss to you, then that's why he didn't make the cut. Also, Winifred summoning monsters requires a pretty wide rift between her and Angela, and that's just not where the story has gone so far.

Dead Duck showed up a second time in the form of a sketch when he was a familiar to little Death Anne. It made for a cool drawing, but Death Anne doesn't have the maturity or mental capacity to command familiars. But I think he'd make a great stuffed animal in an upcoming Death Anne short story!



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