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Tonight I'll be reshuffling (haha) the tiers to the single $5 contribution, and removing the others.

I don't know the user-side effect this will have... will people be booted? Will they be auto-reoragnized somehow? I don't know.

But if you are booted, or if nothing happens, I hope you'll continue to check out my page. 


Zorin the Lynx

Why not keep the $3 tier and do a little something extra for the $5 people? I think you're less likely to lose patrons that way. I'll continue supporting regardless, but it's something to think about.


Sorry.. hit send too quickly. That's the sort of thing that burnt me out last year. I'm not saying I won't do the odd special thing any more, but the stress of all that every month is now off my shoulders and I feel much better for it. I think that current and new members are always given the option to pledge a custom amount (unless that's changed in some hidden option panel.) so I figure a fiver is a decent start. But I'll see how it goes and adjust if necessary. Thank you for the input!