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It's hard to put my work in the back seat, even something light and frilly as my Patreon here, but I'm in need of a break. If you just joined, this probably isn't the most welcome news, but believe me I don't like it much either. But my real self is telling shuffle99 to take it easy for a bit.

I'm going in for a procedure in a couple weeks to try and sort out some medical biz that I'd rather keep confidential. Hopefully, it will point to some answers that have been troubling me the last couple months.

I've bounced back from this sort of thing before... I remember June was very bad for me, and I'm positive I'll have the mental powers to devote to animal girls in skimpy costumes before you know it.

Until then, I'm diving into my reserve catacombs to share with you, and I'll be working on the top-tier commissions to keep me busy.

My income here is a happy bonus to my day job, and I do not rely on it, so I won't take it personally if anyone takes this opportunity to disembark. As they say, we all gotta do what we all gotta do!

Thanks everyone, and stay safe.



Good luck on the procedure!


Take care, and get well soon!