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Call it transparency or just putting it out there, but my productivity is down, and I wanted to paste this Tweet I sent out earlier to you, my wonderful people here.

I'm just putting this out there, because I usually feel that talking about it helps. I've been in a weird depression the last 2 months. I've barely picked up a pencil or stylus at all, and I feel like it's robbing me of all confidence and imagination.
Maybe it was my birthday the other day, (I am flipping old) or just the amount of work I'm giving myself... I found myself wrapped up in hobbies like microscopy and a drone I got myself. Maybe I'm despondent that my attempts at serious art never took off.
Maybe the months long stress of house hunting is weighing on me. And definitely the quarantine has affected me more than I realized. I'm not spiraling into a pit of despair. It's more that I slipped into this bad state of mind...
...and now I've worn a groove into it that's perversely comfortable. These spells have happened before, and I've always tried to ride them out and bounce back. This one is lingering too long and talking about it is a good first step. I'm hitting Tweet before I chicken out.

[end tweet] 

So like I say, these spells don't last forever and getting it out there will help me get over it and back to my regular drawing schedule. Just a bit of self-pitying and mid-life moping around. (Did I mention I was old?)  But you, the paying public deserve full disclosure when my output is low. It won't be for long!

And now, I'm going to follow this up with a cute vixen in a 60's mod outfit.


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