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Hi guys! I haven't posted in a while. I am sorry. As some of you know I've been sick since I came back from CNY... So I got sick on 21st of Feb, felt better for two weeks and got sick again and I've been sick since with some waves of better and worse.

Unfortunately I only managed to finished two artworks in this span time... One I was working on since January. So..overall barely much...

That's why I've been pausing pledges. I apologize for inconvenience it may cause.

I draw when I feel better and I hope that I can catch up on all the commissions asap.

I will be flying to Russia on 23rd and will go to doctors to finally find out whats wrong with me, because now I am somewhat reliant on pills to sustain me.

I will try to create rewards for April, but unfortunately I cannot guarantee I can create the required and satisfactory amount of work to give as rewards.

I am very sorry guys and I hope I can be back with you and show all the art I've been thinking of to make~.

Have a nice day! 





As I noted on twitter - we're here to support a person who creates wonderful pieces of art, not a machine, and we understand that life sometimes throws us annoyances to deal with - like being unwell for a lengthy period of time. Do what you can to get yourself fit and well; good things are always worth waiting for. I'm sure we'll all be excited to see what ideas you've been cooking up!


Keep it up Kana, all the best. I hope it all gets sorted out.