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Hey folks, sorry to leave you hanging! I haven't had a zero upload month in quite awhile but my focus was on real life stuff as well as some personal projects in June so I wasn't really able to dedicate much time to Starcross. I had considered attempting to rush out the next page before the end of the month, but given that the art for this particular page is fairly involved there's no way I'd have been able to get it to a point I was happy with in the time I had left in the month.

Thankfully since this is a per upload account you all aren't out anything, but I never like to leave things quiet for too long so I wanted to let you all know what was up. Thanks for your patience with this chapter! Fun stuff ahead!


Played Like A Damn Fiddle

Always take your own life and health first! No need to rush the perfection that your art truly is!

Nathan B

Hope things are well, and that the time is helping! Thanks for all the awesome drawings over the years!~