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First off, a heartfelt thanks to everyone who pledged for the first month! As I've mentioned previously, it's always nerve-wracking starting a new big project like this, but your guys overwhelming support has given me a lot of confidence in this project going forward, and I'm excited to keep making comics for all of you.

So then, getting down to brass tacks, here's how things are going to look for March. As I've mentioned before, the reason I chose the "per page" model for this Patreon is because there are going to be some weeks where there wont be posts due to other projects and responsibilities. As such, the current plan for March as of me writing this is to upload 3 pages. One of which just went up today (March 3rd). The one after that will go up on either the 10th or the 17th, and the one after that will go up the 31st.

For anyone pledging over 3 dollars I'm going to try to post comic updates whenever I feel it's appropriate. Obviously during times where comics aren't in production there won't be much in the way of updates, but while I'm working on stuff I'll try and keep you all in the loop about where I'm at and how things are coming along.

Happy to have all of you on-board for this!




Hey Star! looking forward to the later parts of the comic :D she's so cute. Also, do you plan to open commissions again anytime soon?


Glad you're enjoying the comic. No plans at the moment. As I've said before I'll be sure to make it clearly known when I do get around to opening them, but I don't do it often since my Patreon stuff usually keeps me so busy.