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I mean Star's right though that is a very odd shape for a bollard, how could you *not* try this?

It isn't Starcross Ch. 3, but I thought I'd make a little subcategory of comics for when I want to randomly check in with this lovely couple and get a sneak peak of some of their shenanigans.

Notably, Starcross Ch. 3 is in the works now though, so stick around for more news on that in October.

(Long-time followers will recognize this concept from a pin-up I made a awhile back.)



Alissa Skips

Absolutely love these characters. Also, I can't quite put my finger on it, but the proportions of your characters faces (eyes and cheeks especially) is super pleasing. Very recognizable at a glance


RE: Bollards > Can't say that thought hasn't crossed my mind before. some of them I think are actively designed that way as a joke from the engineers. "How far can we take this? What can we get away with?"


I do recognize the pin-up this is based on :) always one of my favorites lol and this is just great


I can't say I've ever seen any in real life that are quite this... specific looking, but I'm sure it's a thought that crosses many people's minds.


That last line is perfect, gave me a good laugh xD


I love this