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Hey guys, figured we were about due for another quick update!

First off I just want to thank anyone who has either just joined in these past few months, or has stuck around past the end of Starcross Chapter 2. You all continue to shatter my expectations every time I check this page and I’m incredibly excited by the absurd amount of support for more comics that you’ve all shown.

So, I’ll start off with the obvious thing first: Starcross Chapter 3 is still rattling around in my brain. I have some notes and basic ideas laid out now, but I don’t have a full script written quite yet. I definitely know where I want this chapter to go, but I haven’t decided how best to do it yet. Hopefully you guys aren’t too distraught by the wait, I just like to take my time when it comes to writing these comics.

Given all of that, the next project you’ll probably see from me will be the next segment of “Keya’s Journals of Ellevoré.” As I said in the original post about the series, this story is going to have a loose overarching thread tying things together, so next you’ll get to see what kind of shenanigans these two adventurer’s get up to as they begin journeying through Ellevoré proper. My goal with this series is basically to have these short little 1-4 page stories that allow me to explore some more weird and wacky ideas without having to commit to multi-month projects that not everyone will be into. Keeping it bite-sized makes sure that those who aren’t into that particular thing aren’t left out for too long (that’s the goal at least). (I’m thinking this next one might feature a bit of cumflation!)

Last thing I want to go over is a shift in approach to how I upload/release content. I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of the ridiculous wait-times between when I start on long-form comic projects (like Starcross), and when they finally get released publicly. I obviously want to give you all early access as thanks for your support here, but I do think I would like to change my methods for releasing these things.

Here’s how I’m thinking things are going to be shifting in the future to help this issue. First, I’m going to try and shorten any long-form project’s lengths. I think 30+ page comic chapters are a bit overkill for the lighthearted stories I’m looking to tell, and shorter chapters means that even if I’m waiting until most of the pages are complete to start posting it, that’s still way less time that people have to wait for public releases. Second, I’m not going to worry so much about sticking to long-form projects so rigidly. I think it’s important to mix things up sometimes to avoid burn out, and working on one thing for months and months at a time can cause that issue. Being able to just post some random one-offs for a month while I’m between pages 8 and 9 of the next Starcross chapter sounds like a good way to give myself (and you guys) something to break up the monotony and avoid getting bored.

Hopefully that all makes sense and works for you guys. If you have any comments or questions about this stuff feel free to say something down below or message me here on Patreon!

TL;DR: Starcross Chapter 3 isn't happening yet (still getting ideas figured out), "Keya's Journals #2" will probably be the next project you see, and I'm going to try and keep future projects shorter than the past two Starcross chapters so I can explore other ideas more often.



Can’t wait! Been a wonderful ride following you and your content!

The Crimson King

Sounds like you’ve got this! I’m looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for all of your characters. C.K.


I think this is a good plan, gotta avoid burnout. Cumflation you say?