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New Content Poll: Motion Comics w/Voice Acting

  • I like it! 188
  • I'm indifferent. 28
  • Not my thing. 12
  • 2021-04-27
  • 228 votes
{'title': 'New Content Poll: Motion Comics w/Voice Acting', 'choices': [{'text': 'I like it!', 'votes': 188}, {'text': "I'm indifferent.", 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'Not my thing.', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 27, 2, 9, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 228}


TL;DR: Would you all be interested in voice acted video versions of the Starcross comic series posted here as paid content?

I've had the idea for a long time to do comic dubs for the Starcross series, but just recently I've started looking into it more seriously. The truth is while I'd love to make this type of content, hiring voice actors for 30+ comic pages worth of script can get a bit pricey, that on top of the many hours of editing it would take to do it right, it would be a fairly large commitment both in time and money.

The real sticking point here though is that there's not really any decent way to monetize a piece of content like that. I wouldn't be able to post it on youtube, and pornhub doesn't pay much at all for super niche videos.

So basically I had the idea of posting the completed project here first as a paid post so I could get some level of compensation for the money spent and the hours put into it. Plus given how much love and support this page has received in the past year it seems fitting to start to look into other types of comic adjacent content to post.

Let me know what you think either in the poll above or in the comments below (or both). I'll be looking closely at the feedback and make a decision on where to go from here.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



I like it, but I'd also love to hear it with good sound effects if possible.


I personally wouldn't care for it simply because I don't care for the sound of moaning, but I know there are many people who would totally get off to it so I'll add a yes vote (not that it would matter seeing the totals now)


I appreciate the support. We'll see how the vote shakes out but given that there's a decent percentage of folks who aren't into the idea perhaps I'd give them a heads up ahead of time so they don't have to support content they're not interested in.

Connor King

I think it's a cool concept and I'd be totally down if it's something you want to do! Passion projects are always amazing! I just think there might be some concern with regards to the project taking time away from the production of future comics, which might bum out some of the people who might not be as interested in that type of content. But for me I just love seeing creators mix things up and try out new stuff so I'm in support of it!


I’d love to see these type of comics, i dont think theres enough of em out there and i would pay extra to watch yours if this comes true


This is a very fair consideration. Right now I think that this project will likely be on the backburner until at least Chapter 2 of Starcross is done, and usually I'll take a small break between comic series, so I'd likely slot this project into that time slot. It's not impossible that working on this could eat into some amount of comic time though, so I'll do my best to mitigate that as much as possible!


Happy to see there are people interested in this! I really want to do my best to make this project awesome.