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What will Sarah and Danica get up to this time? Stick around to find out. First page goes up next week!




Yay~! I’m so excited for this! 😻

Yu-Gi-Oh Ragnarok

Forget the cover (Though it is well drawn as always) I love it for the name.


I have not experienced genuine excitement for something in a while, and this has been on my mind for the last 4 hours. That cover eludes to so much I can barely contain my overwhelming anticipation. Your art is so cute, endearing, and always seated amongst the Greats in this genre. Keep up the good work. I wish the you best with your health and your work ethic, you wonderful person.


I was actually having kind of a rough day yesterday and seeing this comment pop up in my e-mail brought a tear to my eye. Thank you so much for the incredibly kind words, this was very thoughtful. :')