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As the next morning fast approaches, Throg's shift comes to an end. The two are sad to have to go their separate ways for the moment, but Throg teases one last thing before the curious elf leaves the brothel.

It's done! Holy moly! Chapter 1 of Keya Ever Curious is in the books! I'll be writing a postmortem post sometime soon to go over my thoughts on the chapter and clue you all in on what's next, but for right now, I'm just going to kick back and relax. A huge, sincere thanks to everyone who has stuck around through this. I cannot thank you all enough. Truly.




I really enjoyed this comic! Different than your usual stuff but still fun to read! I’m very much hoping for a second chapter!


Thank you for this. I know this wasn't my most popular project but it was something I was excited and passionate to work on, and I hope that people can find some amount of enjoyment here.