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Unfortunately Keya's night gets off to a rocky start as her partner for the evening steps into the room. It appears her friend Grasha left out a crucial detail about the brothel she was recommended. Keya was already nervous going into this experience, and now with the added pressure of an intimidating Orc demanding things of her, she finally decides that she's going to take control of this night, no matter what.

Keya Ever Curious is finally back! Hoping to keep the pages coming as we move into the last few months of the year.




Hooray! I was wondering if you had abandoned this. I would've been upset because I remember you saying you wanted to do non fetish stuff a while ago


Don't worry, I'm not abandoning this project. Like I mentioned before, August and September were just not conducive to comic work for various reasons. Honestly I'm still quite excited about this series, and I'm really looking forward to some of these upcoming pages! I think this comic actually has a lot of potential, and my goal is to get you guys invested enough by the end of Chapter 1 that you'll want to see more. :)