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And with that, the first chapter of my comic “Starcross” is finished! This series took way more time than I ever thought it would, and real life would not stop getting in the way of the production. Health issues, financial troubles, family emergencies all contributed to delay after delay, so you can imagine how much of a relief it is for me to finally put a cap on this and officially declare the first chapter, “Sarah & Danica,” complete!

To every one of you reading this, this comic could not have gotten done without your continued support; even in the longest of upload droughts so many of you guys stuck around and even messaged me support and encouragement. Thank you to everyone who stuck around through that as well as all the newcomers who just joined up in hopes of following along for future chapters. It makes me happy to know that so many people not only enjoy my work, but are even willing to throw me a few bucks each month for it.

So then, what’s next? I’ll probably make a more detailed post later, but for now here’s what I’ll say. I have a couple ideas I’ve been flip-flopping between, so I haven’t made any final decision yet, but I can say a couple things. First it will not be Starcross Chapter 2. I already have ideas brewing for what Chapter 2 might look like, but after working on the first chapter for such a long time I want a change of pace from the Starcross story for a bit. I think I just need a little time to stretch my creative legs, so to speak. The second thing I can confirm is that it will be shorter preferably in the 10-12 page range rather than 30 plus. That way I get to do something a little different, but people who are looking forward to Starcross Chapter 2 don’t have to wait forever to see it come to fruition.

That’s all there is to share for now. I’ll have more to say soon, but for the moment, I think I’m just going to sit back and relax.




That still sounds great 😀 we’ve all stuck around for the 1st chapter, more than happy to see you try new things and see what ideas you come up with. No matter how long it takes, I’ll still be here for Star and Danica Chapter 2 😊