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I could write a whole long post about how the process of working on this first chapter was initially fraught with obnoxious real life things getting in the way, but just know that everyone who has pledged here, be it from the very beginning, or even just this past month, the amount of support I have received has continued to blow me away. I really hope you all stick around into the new year, as the first chapter of Starcross's origin story comes to a close.

I'm taking this final week of the year off from comic work, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for the last few pages, but I've already got the layouts done for the next one, so hopefully you won't have to wait too long for that.

Making comics this past year has been creatively invigorating, and I want to do even more in 2019. I've got plenty of ideas for comics to do, and I'm excited for you all to follow me along on these projects.

My sincerest thanks to all of you. :)



Thank you for allowing us to be able to support you! I’m been a real big fan of yours way back on Eka’s and have continued to enjoy your content more and more ☺️