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Been about two months since chapter 4 ended so I wanted to let you know where I'm at. Right now I have a few rough chapter 5 outlines written which I'm trying to clean up. The story in my head is largely solidified, I just need to make a few key decisions about what to include in this chapter and at that point I can get some scripts written and start drawing.

Whether chapter 5 comes out in April largely depends on how quickly I can get those decisions made and those scripts written. If I feel like I need more time with it then April will probably consist of the second part of the most recent Keya's Journals entry, and (likely) another one-off of some kind. Regardless I'll let you know once that next Keya's Journal page goes up.

Thanks as always for sticking around to support my work everyone, especially in these breaks between chapters. Means a lot, and I hope you guys have been enjoying the current offerings. :)



You've been doing great! I'm sure it'll be worth the wait

Played Like A Damn Fiddle

Absolutely worth being here to support! Take all the creative and personal time ya need, Star!

sam gillette

I would love to see a one off comic some time where Star goes inside Dani’s ass


You’re doing a phenomenal job. Excited for whatever you send out