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This one once again includes a bunch of bugfixes and beatifications. I tweaked a lot of stuff too, and laid more of the groundwork for the upcomming last couple of levels! The six playable levels that are in the game right have have all been unlocked for the case that against all odds there is still another bug in there potentially breaking your progress, right now you can just go to the level select screen and still test out all the levels




Zawkian Puppy

Omg this is hillarious, I actually had a dream about AWH 2 xDit was full of big dragon bois with big "tools" to use lol Great job! Imma check it out and report back of I see any bugs!~


Hehe that's awesome XD - Yes, pls let me know if you find something, thank you! ^__^

Axel Foxclaw

Ooh can't wait to check this out! Just gotta wait until after work :3

Jordan Hopkins

game's looking pretty good for what's out so far, though I do have some criticism and some bugs, sometimes you can accidentally go out of bounds/out of the map and get into areas you shouldn't be able to, especially in the park level near the checkpoint at the gate and the underground section. The smoke/cloud effect on sex scenes should be removed in my opinion. I liked how in the first game when you were grabbed an enemy for sexc, other models would still approach you


Thanks for all the feedback, i made a not of it all and will look into it :)

Daniel Z. Davis

Just recently joined, but noticed the discord link doesn't work.