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Somewhat late but still from my heart i wish all of you all the best for the new year !

Thank you all for being so patient with me - I know my progress is often slow and i severly overestimate how much time i'll need to finish something on a regular basis. I am pretty much surprised and feel very blessed that so many of you still really believe in me and like what i do - and i hope saying this won't make you reconsider your descision or something lol    

I love you all, really do!  <3    ^_^

So, not gonna lie, but 2020 got me severly fucked in the head. Some of you already know that 2019 was for me one of the hardest years like ever, and having that followed up with this shitshow of a year was too much. Still i need to - and actually really want to - focus on the positives. We all know about covid, and i am myself mostly affected by it through having a shit ton of work. I am healthy, so are my loved ones, and my job is secure. I'm way better off than most people right now and i am so very grateful for that!

I also believe i learned quite a lot lately. In terms of Art, Game making and i feel i finally have a very much finished and working rig setup and workflow for everything i want to do. Just looking back to when i showed A Walk Home to you guys - i'm not sure i can even compare the person i was and the stuff i did back then to who i am and what i do now. Your reaction to A Walk Home and subsequently this Patreon awakened something in me that motivated me to really learn the stuff that i do and to really get into it and push further. Feels great, feels great to have you

Did some rethinking and organizing too! - I seperated the Music Stuff into it's own ting. Makes more sense to me and gives me a canvas for what i like to call "Kreatives Auskotzen" - a german phrase, i don't feel like i find a good translation, but i like that process and it needs to be seperate from the furry stuff.

So, if you are into weirdness and my music you can check it out here:


- i do realize of course that you wonderful people are mostly here to see some Penis and Butt and Fornication, and that'll come too! I already posted a loop of my upcomming animation with Kemmy and Patrick, and will upload that one to my normal galleries soon too! Progress has been made on the Dungeons Game too! More on that all in Time (ASAP of course!)

I want to do more of the talking to you guys, and give you more updatesI want to do make your awesome and silly ideas like a kemmy-butt-mousepad happen (I looked into it! Can do :3 ) and get back into making some YT stuff . I really do want to, i got some stuff prepared. But Right now there still is some head sorting and orientation for me to do and it wouldn't hurt if this freaking virus could could finally fuck off, like, entirely. Let's hope for the best!

In the meantime take care of yourself, love you all and have a great year!



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