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I know i am little eary, but as most people i will spend the evening with some friends, so here it goes in advance!

Acompanying this happy new years wishes will be a little update video for dungeons of sex. Over the holidays i finally got some time to work on some vids again! Yay! My next devjournal will again consist of multiple sections, one of wich i will post a link to later today. The other sections will be linked here once they finish. I am doing this in this split up way because i at least wanted to give you _something_ before the end of the year :)

The first part might be a little dry, it's a timelapse of me implementing the wall visibility feature and talking a little about the process. The next video, wich i will most likely have finished up somewhere next week, i will be talking and shwoing more of what game exactly to expect and the two characters i will start with for the alpha access version.

I again want to say to each of you how grateful i am for your support! The last year has just been crazy for me, there have been a lot of life-changing occurances, and most turned out to be for the better by far! Most of all the great financial support and hardware donations i've received from the community after the release of A walk home. It moves me to tears that there obviously are a lot of people out that really want to see me succeed in my enedavours, that simply feels amazing. And i sure don't intend to let you guys down! A first somewhat playable version of dungeons of sex is creeping closer and closer, i still be cautious with talking about a release date for an early acces just yet.

I love you guys so much, wish you a very happy and fulfilling new year 2019!



Yerf. And you too FellowFox , and don't forget relaxes and just resting with someone fluffy. sometimes needed care about self and may be who more close then other.


Aww that's sweet of you thanks <3 ^_^


Happy New Year :D