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So, you guys remember those ridicoulisly high res images i posted earlier? If you want those on your wall at home, now you can! :3

Inkedfur is a service that let's you easily order prints, from a tiny one for your desk to a whole wall scroll, online! There are already a bunch of awesome Artists on there offering their Art for Prints, and through the support of you guys i am finally also able to render in such high Resolutions and can do the same :3

Right now i am still settling in and setting everything up, and i will announce it on my galleries with corresponding uploads, but i wanted to let you guys know first hand, i am really excited about this ^^

If you are interested check it out here:


(Adjust the site rating in the top right corner to see Adult content!)



Sind wirklich schöne Bilder was es da gibt. Glaub so ein Pinup würde sich auch gut bei mir tun ^^


i hope you do one as like a movie poster of a walk home ^^" but either way this is awesome!!


Yep, i've been planning on doing that, and i already have some more ideas of course :) Right now i am still fine tuning the characters and do some more pinups though to get some content on ^^


Danke dir, hoff es ist ein Motiv dabei das dir gefällt ^^ Im Moment ist meine Auswahl noch recht klein, aber habe ja gerade erst angefangen :)