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While staying with my parents in germany a couple weeks ago i plundered my old electric guitar and amplifier from the attic *^_^*   I find playing guitar inbetween programming sessions helps me calm and concentrate. I was able to clean and repair the amplifier myself, the guitar i had repaired by a professional. I myself probably would have done more damage than good.

In the Process i found out that my baby (i got second hand like 15 years or so back) is somewhat of a rarity, because the company doesn't exist in that form anymore, and not all too much of those have been made! Sweet, life is awesome like that sometimes  *^__^*

So, everything sounds just awesome! I think i never got that sweet sounds out of that guitar ever before!! :3 My Next addition will be *drumroll*: A Sound interface for recording! And it is on it's way already! MAYBE this means that i will be able to record some Music for the Game myself if i practice hard, but it will for sure mean cleaner and better Audio for my Videos, upcomming Tutorials and maybe Voice acting :)   *excitement mode: on!*



