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A little something for you guys! I've spent quite some time learning more about Unreal Engine and reworking my character - for nicer looks and a better pipeline from Blender to Unreal! The proportions of the fox have been reworked by Greex, a great 3D Artist who i want to team up with more in the future! 

In this scene you cant do much, besides vieweing the new character from all sides. You can download my modelviewer here:


Download is about 110 MB. Sorry for the Filesize, most of it is just unreal engine stuff!

So, i've already got a few systems in place i wanna use for my next game! Of course the nicer model, all new textures and shaders, including a parralax occlusion mapping fur shader i'm really excited about :3  But the entire camera movement is built to be implemented into my next game. I planning on having the camera follow the AI around like that when they are selected. And then they can be viewed from all angles while going their business... And that business sure will include some sexy times :3


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