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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

First post of the year! How have things been so far for you?

Now let's talk about our beloved Influencing! I want to say that January has been a very prolific month in terms of content. Between one thing and another, after some analysis, I finally felt safe to address your TOP request of all. Let's comment on some changes that will come in the next update.

  • Pregnancy Base System

Finally it's added in game! Now sex can have consequences. I was finally able to create the system I had in mind. I needed a system in which some things that I consider important were possible. For example: Genetic dispute, health-based fertility, menstrual cycles, possibility of the wrong father taking over the child, chance of twins, pills, Child Support (Optional until you're sure the kid belongs to you), etc. AND make it possible to enable and disable it all. So far this is our pregnancy configs in game:

  • Menstrual Cycle

You can 'learn' the menstrual cycle of someone else, and have access to this tab if menstrual cycles are enabled:

This tab will show you everything you need to know. Individual chances of pregnancy of that person and if it's on pills or not.  I'm still thinking if I'll add blood in menstrual phase or not. Maybe a toggle button... Anyways.

  • Delete Save Button and Name your Save

This is something simple, that a lot of you asked me. So I did it. Now you can Delete your saves by lcicking on the trash can button. And you can name your saves. I added a toggle button just in case you don't like to be asked to give a name to your save files (like me...).

  • Re-Added Rollback (Buggest Bug bug buggy!)

This is a native feature of Ren'py, which I'm bringing back just to show some players why I removed it. Now in Preferences you can Enable Rollback and the 'back' button will appear on that top-right tiny menu. Due to the way most things happen in Influencing, variables are not saved correctly in rollbacks, causing the game to behave strangely. Honestly, I have no idea how to fix it, and I don't have time to try to figure out how to do this. I think there are more important things at the moment to direct my focus.

  • Base colors pick for clothes

I've seen some complaints about how annoying it is to choose colors for clothes in the game. So I decided to make your life a little easier. I added some basic colors to the game and a button to save/delete your favorite colors. I added some basic colors to the game and a button to save/delete your favorite colors. I believe this way will be easier for you.

  • Advanced Definitions: Relationship Points Composition for chars

Finally you will be able to decide if you char is a Golddigger, Likes sex, Likes Fun, etc. I could finally figure a clear/easy way to give this option to players. After the Traits Selector 'thing' I'm trying to make those things a little bit more clear (Hehe). I even added a (?) button, just in case (Thank you my good friends testers for this great idea!)

  • Warning in char creator if player didn't set family relationships

Not much to say about this. But seems important...

And finally I want to talk about sprites and the systems I'm working on to show it.

I have added the option to chance some facial features, like eyes distance, mouth position and size, nose position and size and stuff like that. I'll check the testers reaction to this Features before I'm sure whether to put this in the game or not. This is possible due to the different way I'm using to show sprites not. It will even allow me to add some simple expressions and heterochromia, which I know, some of you love. And I want to show you something... 

(+18 image ahead!!!!!!)

I'm using the new sprite system to pose the current sprites, in situations that we need at the moment. I want to show characters doing activities around the map. As the new sprites are taking a lot of work to make, I'm testing with the current ones, applying just a few adaptations. As I'm still testing, I don't know if I'll add it to this update yet. Sorry about that, but it's been really annoying to get this all working in the way I need. I'm still not happy with it.

Some GigaBoobs...

Beside it, I did the basic and fixed a lot of bugs. I believe all reported bugs have been fixed. At least the ones that break the game.

With pregnancy, many new interactions were added. From the announcement of the pregnancy, to the possibility that the partner of a pregnant married woman may not like this situation. I'm also slowly adding the ability to lie.

I'm close to closing this update and send it to testers. So, soon you will be able to play it, my dudes and duddettes.

Good good?

This is it for now, my friends. Thank you so much for support me! Take care and goodbye!



Xray animations for the creampie in mouth,p*ssy and a** would be awesome.


And gloryholes to earn some money too