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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

Today I will comment a little on our next steps in the development of the game. More than ever, I have a lot of work to do, as I have opened the doors to new interactions. And this was done on purpose. As I often say to the players I talk to, I'm always working on things for the next direct update, along with things for future updates. So, the interactions system allowed me to add a cool content in Influencing, while I'm still working in new stuffs that demands a little bit more of planning and execution. And right now I want to show you something I have been working in background. This:

This should be the final version of the Influencing sprites! I'll not change it anymore! I'm still developing it, but I thought it would be cool to give a spoiler of what's to come. 

And why it's definitive?! Because I'm investing more time to make it pretty AND this one will have everything I always wanted but didn't have enough knowledge to do when I started creating the game. As you can see, this new body will be more similar to version 2 of the sprites (particularly my favorite). But this time it will be articulated. Which will allow me to add everything you asked me for most in terms of customization. Different types/shapes of breasts, nipples, adjustable thighs/butts, customizable penis, customizable testicles, piercings, tattoos, pregnancy, sexual poses using clothes, background actions, and much more!

The next update will have more content related to interactions so I can use some of my time to work on this. I still have many tasks to complete and the fact that I can add interactions more easily will be handy at this point.

This is what I wanted to share with you, my friends!

Once again, I would like to say thank you very much for your support! 

This is it for now my friends! Have a good rest of weekend, TAKE CARE and have Fun!


Seul Nochez

Good news! i love the final version of the sprites! You are the best crow!


Wow! This project never ceases to impress with progress! Any word when we will hear again from you? <3