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Hello my friends. I hope everything is fine with you!

Today I would like to announce the results of our latest polls and also update you on the progress of Influencing.

We had three polls open here on Patreon. One to decide about game background and two with with very important decisions about the path I'll take with the game.

The first one was about the MC house new background. And the winner is the option 7!

I like this one as well!

Beside it I asked your opinion on what path to take with regard to Live2d. I could wait for Ren'py to update before I start to work focused on it, or Start now and when Ren'py updates, I'll have something ready to work. The winner option was:

Focus in the production of scenarios and codes, and work in the ART focused Live2d

So this is what I'll do.

The last one was about something that was suggested to me on Discord. Somebody suggested me to add placeholder static images for sex actions that are not ready in game and add more descriptive text for empty sex scenes.

I gave you 3 options and the winner is:

Keep the texts in the way it is and keep adding animations gradually

That is, to continue working the way I've been doing.

With those decision in mind, I'll keep working the things as always. 

This week I've been working a lot on the system (codes and images) for buying and changing clothes. This system has been a pain for a long time, but Now I finally got it to work in the way I want! 

For the least I want to talk about something. A friend on discord asked me if could help me create scripts for interactions. This caught my attention, because there is a very simple way for anyone who wants to help me with this (Without any codding skills)! I'll create a channel on discord with intructions focused on it!

As you can see, I'm at full steam! I'm trying to go back to my normal state and create amazing things for our game!

This is it for now my friends! Once more, Thank you for your support! Take care and have a good weekend!


Seul Nochez

Thanks for the good news, Crow!