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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

I'm just posting to show how the progress is going. There is still some work to be done but I'm really close to confirm the release date. I'm working to release v0.1.5 here on Patreon before this month ends, but I'll not promise it before I make sure that I'll be able to keep the promise.

The upcoming update involve a lot of changes to be done. Luckly, we're in the early stages of Influencing's development. I'm looking to the future of Influencing, where we will be able to have not just one char, but a family to play and control. And where we will be able to chat with chars, and not just click on the options. Anyways, those small adjusts now will make everything fit in the future!

I thought drawing clothes would be the hardest part to be done on this update, but surprisingly it wasn't. Adjust the code is taking more time than I've planned. Nothing to be worried! It just take some adjustments on my schedule. Hehe.

So let's take a look on some important changes that I have to show you!

First of all, I've created an screen for city configurations. For now it's simple but efficient.

Now the gender control and amount of citzens can be changed in the same screen. Other city configurations will be added in the future. You can leave ideas of what you think will be cool to add as city configurations in next updates. It will help me a lot!

Another detail after city configuration is, if you allowed trans chars to be generated, an option to turn Mary into a trans woman will appear for you.

Here is an example of what i'm working on, looking at the future. I'm really close to make a post about this kind of interaction using text. With this kind of interaction I'll need a lot of help from players, and I'm going to give a way so that ANYONE who wants to help me can help me. This is where I'll start to work harder on dialogues and interactions. This 'text' interaction will be added probably on v0.1.7 (probably!). Just after I work a little more on interactions on v0.1.6.

I'm excited as hell for what is up to come! I'm feeling that every update of Influencing is bringing it closer to become a great game, and this is all that I want! I know it might look a slow progress, but it is what I have to give for now my friends! And I'm very grateful for your support!

As always, you can always send me a private message or comment on this post!


This is it for now my friends. Take care and have a good week!


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