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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

I'll try to be as direct as possible with this poll.

A lot of players has been asking me if/when I'll add transgenders chars in game. And my answer usually is something like this:

I don't mind to add transgenders chars in Influencing with enough demand from players. I might add it sooner or later. Who know?!

I think this is a good time for us to decide it.

First of all, the transgender char in Influencing will be:

  • A man with a pussy.
  • A woman with dick.

Simple as this. No politics, no hate, no discution. Good?

If I add transgenders in Influencing it will be an OPTION for you to choose if you want it to be generated into your city and the proportions of it.

Adding transgenders will redirect some energy from my work into something new. It can be done now, it can be done later, or I can just not work on it.

And here is our options:

  • Don't add transgenders chars.
  • Don't add transgenders chars for now: Vote for this option if you think it's not a good time to add it yet, so I can focus into other aspects of the game. If this option wins, i'll reopen this poll in about 6 months again.
  • Add only men with pussy.
  • Add only women with dick.
  • Just add it all as soon as possible!

I know this might be a sensitive subject for some. So let's keep the discussion in an adult level. Good good?

This is it for now my friends. Take care and have a good week!


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