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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

With the new release, the professor career came with it. I'm here today to bring a quick walkthrough for professor career on v0.1.2, which is really simple, but with a lot of possibilities!

Let's start from beginning.

Becoming a professor
First of all, you need to get the job. The person who can give you this job is the University Director! This person can be found at the university on monday to friday between 10:00 and 13:00. It can be a man or woman (randomly generated). The uniform is a white shirt, red tie and dark green pants or skirt.

After you find the director, you will chat with him/her and the special option 'ask for job' will be there. Go and ask for a job (yeah, easy like that). He/She will do a quick interview to verify if you are within the high standards of the university!

After get the job, a new tab will appear for you. You start to work on the next working day! Use your day to upgrade your skills and knowledge! Use the library at the university to learn about many subjects and get ready for a good class.

When it's time for you to go to work, the tab icon will become red and a 'Go to work' button will appear on the tab. 

Click on 'Go to work' and choose between 'Manual work' or 'Automatic work.
Automatic work will just pass the time and do mediocre work.
Manual work will take you to the work, where the action begins. 

On the first day, the director will introduce you to one of your four classes. 

You have some metrics for your work. Every friday, your boss will avaliate your work and maybe you can get a weekly bonus!

You have some options at work:

  • Look at grades: Check how good your class is doing on weekly tests and try to work harder teaching in this class. Can you imagine how it will be used for future versions? ;)
  • Teach a class: This is how you can help your students to go better on the weekly test. You choose a subject and teach about it. Watch. If you don't have enough knowledge, your class can be bad and you could end up disqualifying your students.
  • Discipline the class: This is a tool for you to upgrade your dominance over the class and make all of them submissive! Watch. If you have no enough dominancy, it can go the other way around.
  • Just spend time doing nothing: I have no idea of what it does...
  • Appy Surprise Test!: Once a week, you can apply a surprise test to ONE of your classes where you can choose the subject of the test. This is a way for you to make your student's grades goes up (and increase the chances of getting the weekly bonus).

On friday, if you work manually, there will be assessments for students and for professors. Students will be tested on three subjects. Two chosen by the director and one chosen by you. 

In the end of the day the director will avaliate your work and give you a weekly bonus according with your work! Some metrics are not in use yet.

Some random events and interactions will be added in the future. 

I'm gonna say once more. If you have suggestions, critics, etc... Don't esitate to let me know!

This is it for now my friends. Take care and have a good week!




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