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  • OC1DB.mp4



Couldn't embed, vimeo wants money for privacy settings.. Dick move, vimeo.

Anyway.. Attachment!

And bio for character depth ^^

Name: Vega
Last name: Unknown
Place of birth: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Age: Unknown (as per Lovecraft's supernatural age scales, anywhere between 25 and 862783468756541321797841869)
Height: 1.70m (5.7ft)
Weight: 66.3kg (146.1lbs)
Build: Normal, mesomorph
Race: Caucasian
Natural hair color: Black
Eyes: Blue silver; Glows bright at undefined times
Sex: Yes
Scars/tattoos: Mark of Cain on left ass cheek; straight scar on the right side of the neck
Affiliation: Cult of Cthulhu
Stats: 250HP; Armor 50; Damage reflection 20%
Special traits/abilities: Short range telekinesis (for some reason, because shut up.); Can pull stuff from R'lyeh; Multilingual.
Ult: Broken Zodiac [{Buff};dmg +30%, dmg received -30%, HP +200, agility +600%], duration 12 seconds or team kill.
Basic summary of personality: Based, uninhibited. Hates stupid phrases that end with "didn't you"/"don't you" and alike.
Enjoys: Long walks on the beach in the evenings and chilling on different planets.




The OC looks really good but, perhaps make the jawline slightly more feminine perhaps?

Seek 💜

What an intro! She looks amazing. ✨


You know what? I thought about it ...and, although reluctantly, I think I'll fix that.


I love the character very classy I really like his face