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Stacey stepped out of the elevator as her heavily made up eyes wandered to our backpacks. She was the chatty owner of the dating app business that shared space with the law firm on the twelfth floor. Her pink dress stood out against the dull gray of the corridor, and her blonde hair had been styled into perfect curls.

 I knew how much Stacey loved to gossip, and I had to get the bulging packs out of her sight before she started to ask too many questions. My boss had no storage up here, and there was no reason for us to be parading about on a closed up floor after hours. Even if we did have the lie about moving printing equipment, it wouldn’t bring us onto her floor.

But I figured all I had to do was get her talking about something else, and I knew I could get the women out before she started asking questions. Cleo shifted the straps of her pack awkwardly as the monster girls carved their faces into bright smiles.

“Stacey!” I said with fake excitement. “What a long day, huh? How have you been?”

I subtly gestured for the girls to get into the open elevator, and they stepped on hurriedly while I stayed facing the blonde woman.

“Liam,” Stacey sighed, and she glanced back at the monster girls. “Bye, honeys! Are you all off for home?”

“Yes,” Cleo said firmly. “We are going home now. Goodbye.”

Kali waved enthusiastically as the elevator doors closed, and I could hear Ash wordlessly hum as the girls headed down to the lobby. My chest loosened slightly as Stacey turned back to me with a warm smile on her face.

“They are just precious,” she said. “I love all that cosplay stuff they do. So darn cute!”

The blonde woman’s smile faded slightly, and she adjusted her curls with a sigh.

“Everything okay?” I asked. “How’s the business going?”

“Thriving,” Stacey said. “We actually had to hire a couple of new girls because we’re doing so well.”

“That’s great.” I smiled. “You’re here late, though.”

“I’m trying to rearrange the rooms,” Stacey said with a roll of her eyes. “We’ve had sooo many complaints from David, and I was hoping to move the louder girls further from the law firm’s boring offices.”

“David?” I asked. “Is he the boss?”

“Yeah,” Stacey said with a disgruntled curl of her lip. “He’s that tall, stuffy, dull one.”

“That doesn’t narrow it down.” I grinned.

“Ha!” Stacey snorted as she pushed my shoulder. “You’re bad! It won’t matter for much longer anyway. The whole firm’s moving out.”

I glanced back at the unlit offices and pictured how much easier that would make our looting runs.

“Really?” I asked. “All of them?”

“It’s not a professional environment,” Stacy said sarcastically. “That’s what they told us anyway. They’re heading out in a couple of weeks. Apparently sharing the projector room with us is a nightmare. Just because my girls like a good chat!”

“Fuck them,” I snorted. “There’s nothing wrong with people having fun at work.”

“That’s what I said,” Stacey said with a wave of her arm. “Miserable bastards. Hopefully whoever moves in next is less of a bore.”

She sighed again and rummaged in her purse to pull out her cell phone. I could tell she was distracted, and it was a good time to slip away before she asked any questions about why I was there.

“Good luck,” I said as I stepped toward the elevator. “Don’t worry about those guys. They’ll be out of the way soon!”

“Yeah.” Stacey smiled as she turned to wave. “I’m not going to punish my girls for being chatty. It’s what makes us such a good business. Night, honey!”

“Good night,” I called as the blonde woman strode off toward the pink side of the floor.

Her high heels thunked softly against the carpet, and she hurried into one of the offices as her phone started to ring. I hit the elevator button as my mind raced with this new information.

The law firm was about to leave the half of the floor that contained our secret entrance to Hollowfell. It would be seriously awesome to have that space empty for a while, but I knew it wouldn’t be long until another company moved in and caused problems.

There was a ping as the doors slid open, and I stepped into the elevator as I wondered if I could rent out the rooms myself. I definitely had the money to do it, and that would make our trips so much easier. Not to mention the fact I would finally get to quit my shitty job.

Elijah’s family had even set me up with my own business to use for my looting hauls. It would all make sense on paper for me to have an actual working space. The only problem would be the other girls still working at the dating app company. Especially if they wanted to come and chat with me more than they ever would have with the law firm guys.

The elevator moved down without anyone else getting on, and I wondered if I should try and pounce on the offices while they were available. Would it make our trips easier? Or would it simply draw more attention to what we were doing?

The doors slid open to the lobby to reveal the monster girls already waiting by the revolving doors with their bags resting on the floor. There was nobody at the security desk, so the guard must be on one of his patrols of the large building.

I hurried across the empty lobby and made my way through the metal turnstiles to the women.

“Did she ask questions?” Kali asked nervously as she tugged a pink curl.

“No.” I smiled as I stroked the nymph’s soft cheek. “She did say that the law firm is moving out, so that might make things easier for us.”

“Oooh!” Ash gasped. “An empty floor for us to take our treasure through!”

“Half-empty,” I said. “It might be a good thing, we’ll see.”

The monster girls hauled their rucksacks back on and stepped into the revolving door one by one. Ash went around an extra time just for the fun of skipping around, and I chuckled as Cleo eventually pulled her onto the street.

I followed after them, and we made our way around to the office parking lot for our final stretch of the journey. It still gave me a rush of adrenaline and pride to approach my brand-new Range Rover. The sleek car was one of my first ever huge purchases with my Hollowfell money, and it truly made me feel like I had made it.

It was the kind of car that turned heads on the street, and I felt like a fucking rock star when I drove it.

We stored our bags in the trunk before we climbed into the comfortable leather seats of the luxury SUV. I gripped the smooth steering wheel and sighed happily as I pulled out of the parking spot.

Kali turned on the radio carefully, and she chose some relaxing piano music for us to listen to on the way home. My shoulders felt a hell of a lot lighter without the treasure on my back, and I rolled down the windows to let the cool air inside.

The sky had darkened by the time we pulled up onto the bright street of my condo, and our cheery doorman hurried down the steps to the car. I still wasn’t entirely used to having a guy to park my vehicle for me, but it was just another reminder of how far I had come in life.

“Evening!” Malcolm called as we stepped out into the night air. “How was your day?”

“Great.” I smiled as I handed him the keys. “We’ll grab the stuff out of the back first.”

“I can have it sent up,” the doorman offered. “It’s no problem.”

“We’ll take it,” I said as I stepped around to the trunk.

Our doorman usually brought our bags up, but I wanted to be careful with how many heavy bags of clinking treasure he held. I knew he would never ask questions, but I didn’t want him to be suspicious of anything. Not when our living situation was so perfect. 

The monster girls hauled their bags over their shoulders, and our doorman smiled as he climbed into my Range Rover.

We walked through the bright lobby and waved at the receptionist as she typed hurriedly on her computer. My legs ached as the elevator finally pinged open, and I felt ready to fall asleep as we traveled up to my new place.

It still gave me the same rush the car did to step into the world of pure luxury that was now mine. Expensive furniture and pricey decor filled my classy home, and even the smell of the place screamed “expensive.” 

I groaned as I slid my pack off and sank into the comfortable sofa while the girls placed their bags beside mine. We now had several boxes filled with loot from the manor that I would drop off at Elijah’s when I next had the chance.

“Let’s see what we got!” Cleo purred as she opened her rucksack.

We pulled out the items we had looted, and I grinned as I grabbed a golden goblet that was encrusted with some of the blue diamonds from the leviathan mine.

“Oooh,” Kali breathed as she examined a silver bracelet. “I bet this is worth loads of human money!”

“What about this?” Ash whispered as she pulled a crunchy leaf out from amongst the treasure. 

“Um,” Cleo said. “I think that is just a leaf that got into the rucksack.”

“Maybe,” the dragonling said softly. “But I bet it’s full of stories.”

Ash held the leaf up to her ear, and I felt my heart leap at how adorably strange she was.

There were endless amounts of gemstones, necklaces, brooches, and even solid bars of gold in our haul. It was more than enough to be a welcome top up to my funds, and I pulled my phone out to message Elijah. I took a photo of the goods and leaned back on the sofa as I sent him a text.

More goods for you, man. Let me know when would be a good time to drop it all off.

My whole body felt heavy, but I couldn’t have been in a better mood. I only had one day left of work before my vacation days kicked in, and that was when we would go on our quest to find the dragon treasure. It would be the longest I had ever spent in Hollowfell, and I couldn’t wait to travel deep into the magical land.

It would also be the first time I’d ever fully embraced my vacation time with some honest-to-god traveling. I usually just stayed home on account of how crazy expensive vacations were.

“I’m going to shower,” I said as I forced myself to my feet. “I can still smell that leviathan blood on me.”

“So can I.” Kali shuddered. “I’ll come with you.”

Cleo’s eyes glinted as she smiled at me, and then she sighed as she looked over at Ash.

“I will shower after,” the cat-girl said. “Ash might find an exciting stone she wants to tell me about.”

Cleo raised a skeptical eyebrow, but her tone was warm and loving. The dragonling had quickly become close to all of us, and I adored how the other girls made her feel right at home.

I grabbed Kali’s hand as we hurried over to the bathroom and turned on the light in the glistening space. The nymph giggled as I helped her out of her clothes, and I was rewarded with the view of her perfect figure. 

I pulled off my own outfit and stepped under the powerful flow of the showerhead. Kali pressed herself against me as I leaned down to kiss her, and my hands roamed all over her wet body. 

A blueberry scent filled the air as I rubbed shower gel all over the nymph and enjoyed the feel of her perky tits. She moaned happily as she washed my chest and arms, and it was truly the perfect end to the day.

“I love being so close with you,” Kali murmured when we eventually stepped out of the shower. “You really made all my dreams come true.”

“Life with you is my dream.” I grinned. “Especially when I get to see that sexy body all soaked in the shower.”

The nymph blushed happily as we wrapped ourselves in towels and headed back into the living room. Cleo and Ash packed up the loot as I walked into the bedroom, and I heard the shower turn on again shortly after.

My eyes closed the second my head hit the pillow, and Kali snuggled up against me as I drifted off to sleep. I didn’t even move an inch all evening, and I ended up waking up exactly where I’d been, with Kali on one side, and Cleo snuggled up on the other.

It was a struggle to get out of bed with my two monster girls curled up on either side of me. Kali mumbled sleepily, and I gently pushed her pink curls out of her pretty face. Cleo snored softly as her ears twitched adorably in her sleep.

There was just one more day of work to get through until our big quest, and I sighed as I climbed out of the comfortable bed. Then I pulled on jeans and a shirt before I crept out of the bedroom to find Ash was already awake.

The dragonling had made herself a cup of tea and seemed lost in her own world as she happily stood and gazed out of the patio doors. She still had her green nightwear on that showed off her sculpted legs and tight waist. Her red curls tumbled down her back as she swayed softly and sipped her drink.

“Liam,” she said softly as she spun around. “Good morning! Do you want some tea? I’m very good at making them with the whistling machine. Kali taught me how!”

“Thanks.” I smiled. “It’s really cool you can use the kettle, I’m glad you’re comfortable here.”

The dragonling strode over, and I tried not to let my eyes wander down to her exposed cleavage that her pajama top highlighted so well. 

“This all feels like a dreamworld,” she sighed happily. “It’s like I have my own cave of treasures right here with all of you.”

Her full lips parted into a wide smile that showed off her tooth gem, and the warm scent of autumn bonfires wafted from her hair. She had such a welcoming presence that made me get lost in her deep green eyes. I wondered if she would ever want to join us curled up in bed, and my mind wandered to how she would look stepping out of those silky shorts.

“I think we might explore today,” Ash said. “The sun is already out.”

“Enjoy the day,” I said as I snapped back to the present moment. “I’ll be back just after five. You remember how the clock works?”

“Oh, yes,” Ash said. “The little stick is for the human hours, and the big stick is for minutes. You should get a sundial, it’s much easier to use.”

“I can buy one,” I chuckled. “If you would prefer it.”

Ash sipped her tea as she nodded, and it took all my effort not to lean in and kiss her forehead.

 “I’ll see you later,” I said as I slipped on my leather jacket. “Then tomorrow we’ll make our proper plan for the mission.”

“That sounds perfect,” Ash said. “I can’t believe I finally get to meet a dragon! It’s going to be such an important day.”

The dragonling waved at me before she slid the patio door open and stepped onto the balcony. I wished I could have stayed to enjoy the morning with her, but I had an asshole boss to report to.

The idea of quitting was more tempting than ever as I left my monster girls behind to head to work. I made my way down to the lobby and greeted the receptionist as the doorman hurried off to get my car ready.

Leather seats in an expensive Range Rover certainly made the morning commute easier.

The sky was a dazzling blue as I drove to the office, and I couldn’t help feeling smug as I pulled into a parking space amongst all the other suited workers. Even though we all worked in the same building, I had been the only one to stumble across the portal that led to Hollowfell.

It wouldn’t be long until I worked out exactly how to quit my shitty job and become a full-time looter. That would be a day worth celebrating.

I made my way around to the revolving door and spotted the security guard on the phone at his desk. He gave me a curt nod as I passed through the turnstiles, and I waved back. The girls had managed to win him over slightly with their gifts of coffee and excited chatting, and it was good to not be someone that he watched like a hawk. 

When I glanced at my watch, I saw that I had two minutes to clock in, and I could just picture my slimy boss counting down the seconds until I was late. The elevator was crowded as I jumped in before the doors shut, and the smell of coffee and cigarettes wafted from everyone’s suits. I was the only one left as the elevator reached the eleventh floor, and I prepared myself for a day of pointless emails and dull conversations.

Roberts was standing by the doorway as I strode down the hallway and tried not to roll my eyes too far back in my head.

“Morning!” I called with fake cheeriness as I walked past him.

My boss scowled as he glanced at the clock, which had thirty seconds before it hit nine. I strode over and punched in with the ancient machine and smirked as I spun around to see his sour expression. Roberts’ greasy mustache curved over his thin lips as his beady eyes darted back to the clock.

“Liam,” he said briskly. “Cutting it close as usual.”

“I’m on time,” I said as I walked over to my desk. “I’m not going to be here before I’m paid.”

The other workers around me were already typing at their desks and didn’t even glance up at our conversation.

“Still,” Roberts said stiffly. “It’s just good business etiquette to show you care.”

“Uh-huh,” I said as I sat down. “I super care. Have a great day!”

I turned on my computer as Roberts hovered awkwardly in the middle of the floor, and he finally spun around to march back into his glass-walled office.

“Prick,” I muttered under my breath.

There were already twelve emails waiting for me about various technical issues throughout the building. Every single one of them was fixable with the computer knowledge that a five-year-old probably had. I sighed as I typed up my first reply, and my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Kali had sent me one of her adorable morning messages that she carefully typed every time she woke up. The monster girls hadn’t really gotten the hang of human writing, so they used their cell phones to send emojis instead. The nymph had sent a sun, a flower, a pink heart, and a hamster. I chuckled to myself as I sent a series of colored hearts back to her, and I could just picture her excited squeal when she read it.

Cleo would probably wake up slightly later and send something equally as sweet, but cryptic.

The girls had their own phones, keys, and credit cards that I had loaded up for them, so they were thrilled to have their own access to the city. I knew how much freedom meant to them all after spending years being chased by High Society, and I was grateful they got these to embrace their freedom together like true Californian beauties.

It didn’t take long for my mind to wander to our next mission that would lead us to a whole dragon’s cave of treasure. Ash had said that dragon stones were the rarest of all gems in Hollowfell, and I was determined to get my hands on one.

The tunnel system was going to make our trip so much easier to pass through all the unknown dangers that lay in the magical world. There were hundreds of different beasts in High Society that I was still to meet, but I was confident we could take on any of them. We had already beaten hundreds of the rich fuckers and made our mark on the realm. 

It would be an adventure like nothing we had ever taken on before, and it could result in our most valuable haul yet. I could buy a whole garage worth of luxury cars with the riches we might bring in.

The hours surprisingly flew by as I got lost in thoughts of dragons and treasure, and my phone buzzed again just before lunch. Cleo had sent me several skulls, a snake, a crow, and a black heart. I knew that they were carefully selected images that symbolize what she liked, and I grinned as I sent her a tombstone and black heart in return.

Ash was clearly being taught how to communicate by the other girls, too, because the dragonling’s text came moments later. She had found a bunch of leaf images along with a green heart to finish it off.

My breathing quickened as I stared down at the screen, and I wondered if she knew that emoji symbolized love.

There was no denying that I had seriously strong feelings for the dragonling, and I would be fucking ecstatic if she wanted the same connection that the others had with me.

I sent her back some trees along with the same green heart before I got up to grab myself a coffee.

The rest of the day went by in a flash as I focused on nothing but my girls and our next heist. We would need to bring every weapon we had, along with enough bags to pack whatever we found in the dragon cave. I wondered if we should take Hobble with us, and I tried to picture if he would be able to move comfortably through the tunnels. The only one we had used so far was just about big enough for him, but I had no clue how wide the rest of the system would be.

It was worth trying since he was such a huge help for quick getaways and carrying heavy loads. We could always just send him on his way back if it turned out to be too small. 

For now, I wanted to take the weekend to plan all the details with my women, and we could enjoy the city together before our big adventure. They were all so in love with LA, and it made me so happy to treat them to whatever they wanted when we were out.

My computer was turned off the second the clock hit five, and Roberts scowled from his office as I sent him a smug wave before I clocked out. He had been so pissed to give me the vacation days I’d asked for, but I wouldn’t have to see his miserable face for a whole week.

I would’ve broken into a victory dance if my ass wasn’t numb from sitting at my damn desk so long.

I was the first person inside the elevator, but it quickly filled up as I rode down to the lobby. Maybe I could finalize a plan for quitting work once we had completed our huge mission, and then I would never have to step foot in that dreary office ever again. 

The doors slid open to the lobby, and I hurried along beside all the other workers who were desperate to leave the work building for the weekend. Sunlight and heat welcomed me as I finally stepped out onto the street, and I practically ran back to my car.

The drive back home was the happiest I had ever felt after a day at work, and Malcolm was waiting at the side of the pristine street for my arrival when I pulled up.

“The weekend is here,” he said cheerily as I got out of the driver’s seat. “Good day at work?”

“Not bad.” I grinned. “I’ll be away next week on vacation, so I won’t need the car parked for a few days.”

“Sounds good,” Malcolm said as he took my keys. “I hope you’re going somewhere nice!”

He climbed into the Range Rover, and I appreciated how he never asked anything too personal. That was one of the perks of being rich enough to have help. Successful guys never seemed to have to give any explanations as long as they paid the big money. 

“Hello!” Anna called as I strode into the lobby. “The ladies are upstairs already. They apparently had a lovely day out at the beach.”

“I’m glad some of us did,” I chuckled. “The most I saw of the sun was through my office window.”

Anna giggled as I stepped into the elevator, and I was so excited to get back home to my monster girls. I could hear their laughter before I even unlocked the door, and they all screamed with excitement when I walked inside. They were all out on the balcony with glasses of white wine and beautiful new outfits that made my heartbeat race.

Kali had a tight pair of baby blue leggings that showed off her peachy ass perfectly, and she wore a little bralette of the same material. She looked unbelievably hot with her glistening wings framing her petite shoulders.

Cleo’s tight dress was dark red velvet, and the plunging neckline showed off her huge breasts. The cat-girl always liked outfits with low backs for her fluffy tail to move easily, and her trusty black boots completed the goth-chic look.

But my jaw dropped as I took in Ash’s new getup, which solidified how fucking hot she was. Her backless dress was a deep green that was dotted with tiny stars. The material skimmed just below her ass and had just as daring a neckline as Cleo’s did. She had golden bracelets snaking up her arm, and she looked like the kind of girl men would drool over at a hippie music festival.

“Come join us!” Kali called excitedly. “We bought wine from the store, and we got new clothes!”

“I can see that,” I chuckled as I hurried out to the balcony. “Hoooly shit, you all look unbelievably stunning.”

“You like them?” Cleo purred as she slowly spun around to show off the full dress. “I hoped you would.”

I answered by grabbing the velvet material on her waist, and I pulled her close for a kiss. The cat-girl’s lightly textured tongue danced into my mouth and filled me with a rush of fiery passion. Her soft lips tasted like vanilla as she pressed her perfect body against mine.

“Mmm,” I said as I slowly pulled back to admire her. “You all look fucking perfect.”

Kali blushed as I drank in the sight of her full figure, and she even wiggled her ass as she spun for me. I grabbed the nymph to pull her in with Cleo, and I took a second to appreciate their bodies so close to mine.

“I’m so happy you love it.” Kali smiled. 

She stood on her tiptoes to kiss me, and I groaned softly as her sweet lips pushed against me. My mind swam with pleasure as our tongues met, and she giggled adorably as I squeezed her firm ass.

Then I looked over at Ash to see her biting her lip as she watched us. Her eyes roamed over my body as she played with a red curl and swayed on her feet.

The dragonling’s body was just crying out to join our embrace, but I stood back to admire her from a few inches away.

“You look beautiful,” I said softly. “That dress is amazing on you.”

“Thanks.” Ash grinned. “Cleo told me I have a great body, and she said that I should show it off.”

“Uh,” I coughed. “Yeah. She was very correct.”

The cat-girl barely stifled a smirk beside me as I caught her eye, and I wondered if she knew how Ash felt about me. Kali handed me a glass of wine, and we sat on the chairs that looked out over the city.

My view of the girls was even more impressive than the one of LA, and the wine they had picked out was delicious. I groaned with happiness as I drank in the new life I had created for myself. Everything was perfect.

“How was your day?” I asked. “Anna says you went out to the beach?”

“It was wonderful,” Kali sighed as she swirled her wine in the glass. “We went to the beach first, and we got Ash a bikini so she could enjoy the water!”

I tried not to choke on my drink as I pictured the dragonling parading around in a skimpy swimsuit.

“Then we went shopping,” Cleo said. “The ladies at the store remembered us from last time and showed us these outfits. They said that our boyfriend would like them very much.”

“Smart ladies.” I grinned. “And now I’m off for a whole week. Tomorrow we could enjoy the city together, and then make a solid plan for the looting trip?”

“Perfect!” Kali said happily. “We can look at the map and discuss everything we need to bring.”

“We should take crystals,” Ash said dreamily. “They’re very good for protection. They can be used as a vessel for our ancestors to watch over us.”

“Crystals?” Cleo frowned. “Rocks can protect us?”

“It’s all about vibrations of energy.” Ash nodded seriously. “You just need to make sure you select the right ones.”

I grinned as the cat-girl blinked in confusion, and Ash gazed out into the distance as she cheerily murmured something to herself. Kali yawned as she topped up her wine glass and stretched out her short legs. The nymph pulled a throw blanket around herself and spread it out to cover Ash’s lap, too.

“I’ll grab another one,” I said as I got to my feet. 

“Aww,” Kali cooed. “Thank you. Maybe just one more for Cleo.”

I put my glass down and went back inside to get a blanket from the bedroom. There were some spare throws in the wardrobe, and I opened the wooden doors to rummage around.

Then the bedroom door shut as Cleo followed after me. Her golden eyes glinted, and her breasts jiggled lightly in that unbelievable dress as she walked over to me.

“Hey.” I grinned as all thoughts of blankets vanished from my mind.

“I wanted to see you,” she said quietly as she ran a hand down my chest. “My outlaw king has provided us with so much, and I wanted a chance to tell you how much I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I murmured as I grabbed her tight waist. 

The cat-girl purred as she pressed up to kiss me, and I knew I was about to enjoy one of the most valuable treasures Hollowfell had ever brought me.


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