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Tyler is 18 years old, and a freshman at Alan Turing University, where he's majoring in physics. Tyler's father was a bank manager in New Essex until he died in a car accident when Tyler was 9. Tyler and his mother wen to live with her parents; she died of cancer two years later. His grandfather threw Tyler out of the house when he was 12, when he came out to them as gay and he lived on the streets of Iron Harbor for more than a year until he was placed in a foster home.

His foster parents, the Forresters, had three other kids they looked after and Tyler managed to settle in well enough. When he aged out of the foster system at 18, the Forresters set him up with enough money to afford university, and there he met and fell in love with Jordi Reyes. He almost came under the hypnotic influence of the evil Coach Martin, but managed to free himself and Jordi from his influence. He found out Jordi's secret identity, and he and Jordi became lovers.

Soon afterwards Tyler began to develop super-speed powers of his own; and he took on the superhero identity of Redshift, which he later changed to Speedboy.

Jordi's parents adore Tyler. 



Rikardan Steele

omg i want to see more of this guy


Tyler appears in many of the Blue Bolt stories - look for the tag 'Redshift', his original superhero name.