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 I had someone asking about this. Some of my older material is available  on Telemachus, and I have made it available on here in the past. But now  the archive is getting pretty big and Patreon offers no way of  organizing this stuff. So, as a New Years present to ALL tiers, I'll  post this material again. These are older works, so they are somewhat  less quality than the comics now - some of that is the lighting and the  fact that it's done in the older 3delight renderer, and some of it is I  simply know more stuff now :)  (I mean, look at that arm intersecting that chest, here. Poor Cody...)




<a href="http://www.telemachus12.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.telemachus12.com/</a> is a gay porn site with several art galleries and a story area. I'll post some short things there, esp ones that might not fit the exact theme of this site.