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Since someone commented on previous post "Oh god another fucking delay you piece of shit," I want to make another update post real quick to specify my upload schedule. As I've stated in my update a few weeks ago, I promised to start having videos twice a week. Meaning one can be posted Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. It is never guaranteed on any specific day, just that there will be 2 videos on 2 of those days each week. The reason I've been giving updates about not posting Wednesday the last 2 weeks, is due to me uploading on Wednesday the previous two weeks and making sure you aren't sitting all day expecting a video.

I'd love to be able to promise to a specific day each week, but that's setting myself up for failure. My real life, internet, and websites I use have been unpredictable, so twice a week is the best I can manage at the moment. In the future, I want to get ahead on videos so they are uploaded and ready a week before hand, but that most likely will be awhile. I am very sorry.


willy the king

I know you can't upload morty episodes but updates to it you can like when is next episode or what's about etc... and give link where to watch it like onlyfans idk

Fabulous Aura

The problem is, if I linked to it or said if I was/where I was uploading it, they'd terminate my page.


I know you can’t disclose where you post R&M but are you going to be posting episodes about the new 3_7 version that came out a few days ago, where you just uploaded recently