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Hello everyone, been a minute since I've posted on here. Just thought I'd give you guys an update. New content should be rolling shortly, right now I've been focused on getting YouTube videos rolling again, which has been rather successful. Had 4 videos go out this week, 2 episodes of Korosu, an episode of South Park, and of course, the best mathematics video on YouTube. Hopefully I can keep this train rolling with at least 3 videos going up every week on YouTube, though I'm trying for more than that.

I'm also am going through and updating all of the branding on the Fabulous Aura stuff, really excited to start utilizing my new Vtube model. It doesn't look like it was thrown together over an hour anymore. I also am looking into expanding my content to more platforms and getting the old ones working again.

As for Patreon, I've been scouting out some games that you guys might be interested in me covering. Since the great purge, it's been rather difficult to decide on which games to go with. I legit had to delete an entire series just because it had an anime girl in it. I have managed to find some cool stuff though and am really excited to share. Hopefully I can up the upload schedule to at least once a week; probably at most twice.


Your Nan

Guys I’m not gonna lie the guy that makes the rick and morty game has been Mia for like 3 months so we prolly not gonna have that anymore


whats his patreon or does he publish rick and morty content somewhere?


Where do u download a way back home?