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So, I am trying to prepare a bit to start uploading more often again to the YouTube channel and by proxy, the Patreon. And well...I noticed...the outro is now 3-5 minutes long, especially after all the new patrons wanting to access the latest Rick and Morty video a bit earlier. It makes the outro extremely long, and makes the rendering of the video take much longer. So going forward, I will be changing how I do vocal and on screen shout outs.

On screen shout outs will be practically unchanged, but previously I updated it as new Patrons came and went; however...that's gotten a bit out of control with the amount of people who come and go. So, I will only be updating those at the start of the month going forward with all the patrons from the previous month.

Vocal shout outs, I will be doing the exact same thing, except, in order to keep the outro from remaining out of control; I will be randomizing who I shout out at the end of each video, but in a way that everyone gets shoutout at least once each month. I will also be updating $40 Patrons to have a guaranteed audible shout out though.

This is one of many more updates coming to the Patron, that will help me deliver more content and more types of content. (I also want to start doing a monthly podcast, but trying to assure some people to do it with.)

Just giving all of you a heads up, I will see you soon with more content.


Jonne Aaron

Man legit i love ur videos but u keep saying have some patience look at ur january videos 3total videos i underatand that R&M is locked but id say honeypop is waste of time for me i understand not for everyone but are u really saying ur treating people who pays u to make videos good when they get 1or 2 videos per month? Like what good is it for 1$ people i could say we hot nothing for this month cos all i got was something i see free from minds


hero cummy, avatar book of 4 elements, 18 titans id stick to more main stream media typer games idk.. bubble whatever and the summer time whatever are ass fr i dont watch them cant imagine anyone does really theres so many better games u can play its crazy.

Fabulous Aura

Hero Cummy was cancelled, but there are other decent my hero games. I am considering checking out the other suggestions though.