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Seeing how I can't directly message you, and you clearly have access to videos that aren't public yet, you must be here on my Patreon so I thought I'd make a post in order to get your attention.

I've been made aware of your uploads of my Patreon exclusive videos to xvideos, and just regular reuploads of my Rick and Morty videos. I kindly request if you see this message to delete those ASAP. I'm already getting in contact with xvideos support to possibly have your channel deleted from terms of service/copyright you've broken, and am also fully prepared to take you to court for the couple hundred thousand views/lost revenue you stole from me.

This is just my recommendation, but you deleting those videos would be more beneficial to you rather than me and will prevent a headache for us both. After all the videos are only exclusive on Patreon a couple weeks and are public on Minds/My Website only a few weeks after they are posted here. Have a nice day. ;)


Luke Barham

xvideos is terrible. Didn't they remove your videos due to the videos "infringing" their policies, but it's okay for some other guy to upload those same videos. Makes no sense.


To be fair I found u and ur content from x videos so lmao


I'm kinda new but I believe the others don't have YouTube channels and aura does. So with that in mind I'm pretty sure xvideos doesn't want to associated with YouTube in any way