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Sorry for the silence over the past couple weeks. For those who care, I've had a rough couple weeks. Had to complete my finals and have been going back in forth between the doctor and a therapist. I also got scheduled to see a psychologist next month and have currently been prescribed new medication to hopefully get me working in full force again. Anyway.

Back to the actual status report. Just wanting to let you guys know, I finished classes today (finally free) and will be resuming videos tomorrow. I've been waiting for Ferdafs to drop the rest of the R&M update before I posted #33, so I could properly divide content amongst episodes, but that was delayed so. Rick and Morty will be uploaded Monday. Tomorrow I still haven't decided what to post, but I'd like to get Korosu on the YouTube channel and something on here. Got any suggestions of what I should edit in the morning for you guys? 


a calm user

y'all know it's christmas right? he's probs doing shit with his family even the biggest youtubers have breaks at christmas sometimes lol chill


That’d b reasonable if this were the only time aura was inconsistent

a calm user

i'm just gonna stop responding cuz it's like talking to a brick wall. shut up and stop complaining cuz it doesn't help motivate him or anything. pressuring him and being a cunt isn't gonna achieve nothing just chill and let the dude abide by his own time k bye


You realize your not helping him by coming to his defense right? Your enabling more of the same. People have the right to complain when the service they receive is subpar just like he has a right to stop making content but delaying the content so often when u have 600+ Patreons that you recently told that uping your sub amount expedites content and then not delivering is kinda fucked up. Also this happens so often that sometimes people subbed don't even receive content some month. One video a month is not that grueling. It's one thing if the what the content its based on is delayed it's another if this happens repeatedly. The dude obviously isn't an amateur editor either that's why we are all here. Aura i speak directly to you now if u have the time. I've enjoyed your videos a long time and roll with the punches when they come but please do not take offense to what i say it is only fact. Don't let these "super fans" make you complacent because at the end of the day they will not be able to replace subs you lose we both know your tryin your best but people don't wanna spend money and receive nothing in return i hope we can see eye to eye cause although I'm criticizing rn I'm still your fan I'm just being real man good luck and good health to you.