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Hello everyone. I posted this update on my community tab on YouTube, but I've been locked out of Patreon for a bit so I wasn't able to notify you guys.

My power is currently out at my house (should be back up tomorrow). I'm staying with family and have my laptop, but I unfortunately do not have access to my desktop computer atm with most of my video files/footage. Meaning, I will not be able to get any videos posted this weekend. + This week I will be extremely busy filing out police reports (don't ask) and resuming school. I will post videos when I am able (most likely Wednesday), but I thought I'd give you guys the heads up.



That is the reason I encourage everyone to have a very good cigar and a glass of Bourbon every night. It keeps all the crazy away from you and puts it on your neighbors.


I have a very good Davidoff cigar waiting for you if you ever make it to San Antonio. 😁


No problems my guy!! Good luck with everything!


Oh, that sounds kinda depressing. Hold on and good luck with all the things you have to do

Raul Montoya

Hope things have started getting better