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Okay, episode 31 is basically done. I've cut it all up nice and snug, I've added some funny bits, and I got a bit of of music added. However, I've had to deal with Adobe Premiere corrupting and it refusing to connect with my creative cloud, forcing me to update. And since I updated to a new version, I've had problems with it randomly freezing all day.
This is not a joke. I've been up since 3 am yesterday (it's almost 2 am now) editing this video to get it out to you guys, Luckily, it's now BASICALLY DONE. And just so you know I'm not bullshitting, here is a screenshot of the timeline: https://i.gyazo.com/f0fdae026c914f72ba16efd4c91aa903.png
All that's left is for me to go through, add music, sound effects, and to maybe add some more funny edits while I'm doing that. However, I am very tired, I've been up 23 hours straight working on this, and I don't want to just rush out what I have and deliver a video I'm not proud of. So, I am going to sleep and will finish it once I wake up. You should be seeing it late morning, late afternoon. And to hopefully hold you over, I've attached a funny clip to this post. Stay Fabulous~


My Girlfriends

Watch Fabulous Aura's video about My Girlfriends. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.



auraaa 😭

Ur mom

i appreciate the time and effort u put into entertaining us like ik im just some guy on ur computer screen but i mean thats why i support u! <3


Sooo, after all, when it ll be live?🥲

Carlos Reyes

Not gonna lie I was confused cuz I thought that was the video lol


I support you aura we have lives too we can wait