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So, I finally finished my first ever animation, got some advice from a few buddies and I feel it's not bad for a first attempt, could definitely improve but for now, I'm pleased with it overall, you can watch it down here.

I will put this one out there since it's my first clip but I plan to make more for the future and probably leave them for patreons only at least for a week maybe. How should I proceed with this? I'm open to suggestions since you guys help me out so much.





is that male sangheili one of your models? if so, is it available to download?




Really dang good for a first animation! Loops well, pretty much every body part moves except for the feet, and the models feel like they have weight to them. Perhaps a little expression via head movement/jaws would complete this if it gets more time, but good as-is! A week of exclusivity is probably fine, but something like a month might encourage more people to join the Patreon without locking content away permanently


thank you, and well, i been weary of how i keep stuff in patreon, i don't want to feel like i'm holding things back from people but at the same time i want patreons to feel like they are earning something something, its a hard valance T__T