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First of all, I see that we've gained some Patrons, and I want to say "Welcome!" Thank you for joining us. We're busy thinking up things to keep you all entertained!

And now:

Hasn't this been an interesting week? I'm finally starting to feel better, although I am still exhausted. I work on getting a little more done every day but I need to pace it so I don't wipe out before I finish whatever small task I'm trying to accomplish. I'm told when this is over I'm going to feel a lot better than I have in a long time. I can't wait!

Anyway, I am so sorry for the break in uploads and for the less-than-great communication. I really have been very tired, and the days just kind of slipped past.

Phil went to Denver without me. It was a quiet show, but he got to talk to a lot of wonderful people. I don't see any reason I shouldn't make it to the Chicago show (MagicCon Chicago) on the 23rd, but then I didn't think anything would keep me away from Denver. This was not a great surprise!

Ok, anyway, here's the page and a kitty as well. Phil has made a pancake for me, I'm going to go eat it. I shouldn't; I should be eating very healthy food and taking lots of improving walks. I'll do that tomorrow. Tonight it's dark, and I've already eaten healthy things. 

Thanks again, everyone!




Susan Olson

Welcome back! Baby steps - you’ll make a recovery.