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Tonight our Moggie is actually Krosp, in a detail from the new cover Phil is drawing for Volume 21. I'm working on getting the next Kickstarter ready to go, in hopes that it will bring in enough money to keep us going for another year or so. Also we need to get some money in to pay for the last of volume 20 Kickstarter's International shipping. I am so sorry, those of you who are still waiting, I'm trying to be very transparent over on the Kickstarter page and also everywhere else. We had some bad cash flow but I will absolutely get you your books, and I'll think of some extra present as an apology as well. 

We already had a cover for this volume, but the Queen's profile just wasn't looking good, so we're trying again.

Oh, also, tonight I'm going to try very hard to remember to do the thing where I post a "translated" version of the text in an attempt to show some mercy to our English as Second Language (or third, fourth, whatever) readers. I meant to do it last time but I got busy and forgot. 

The reason I was so busy last week is that I saw the renewal price for my Hootsuite account, had a small moment of terror, and canceled. So now, instead of a one-stop place to schedule a "page is live!" announcement to all my social media accounts, I have to go to each site individually and make a post. It's fine, I needed to corral all my social media links and get some of the newer sites on my list, but it takes a bit longer. Also, in several cases, I can't schedule ahead of time, which isn't great, but I'll survive the extra work.

Hmm, what else is happening over here? We have a new emergency: there's water in our basement, and we're not sure where it's coming from. We're hoping it's just the drain in the laundry room floor backing up when it rains too hard but we have to catch it in the act. Victor said "Do we have a time-lapse camera?" and I realized that we DO! We got it over 10 years ago meaning to film Phil drawing, and never got around to doing anything with it. So we dug it out and we've set it up, along with newspapers all over the floor to see where the water starts. Not sure what we'll do with the knowledge, but it's data.

Ok, I'm off to get that "translation" written! I'll be back when the colors come in! Thank you, everyone! 




Once again, in an attempt to have mercy upon those who, for any reason, have trouble with the hammy dialect. Here you go!



Dimo: Maxim, I want you to pass the order around--this party tonight better not get too wild. I want everybody in good shape for the next fight--

Maxim: Sounds good!

Dimo: --with the enemy. And make sure you go grab a bite.

Ho ho! Yes sir, mister general Dimo sir!


Voice off panel: OW!

Dimo (shouting): I mean get something to eat, you idiot!

Oggie: Make sure you take your own advice, brother!


Dimo: Ho! Thank you! Maybe this general stuff isn't all that bad, hey?

Oggie: Enjoy it while you can! I hear the fleet is on the way, with the Lady! 


Oggie: She'll get the town free, you bet! She is a smart girl! She has to have a plan!

Dimo: And about time, says I.

Oggie: Yeah! But don't worry brother, You have done pretty good (well)!

Dimo: Phooey.


Dimo: All the time, I have to keep you guys from killing yourselves--getting into your business, spoiling the fun, you think I like that?


Oggie: Like how?

Dimo: Eh, I don't know. Like tonight's party. Or...or like where is your hat? Do I even want to know?

Oggie: Oh. Uh...

Voice from off panel: Yoo hoo!


Geister #1: Koosa Chee Chee Oggie!

Geister #2: Tee hee!

Geister #3: Hee!

Geister #4: Hee! Hee!

Geister #5: Smoochy smoochy


Dimo: I do not.

Oggie: She earned that!






Kaja did another Jäger translation back in 2005: https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20051007

Brian Harvey

Wait, why do we have friendly Geisterdamen hanging around with the Jägers? I do vaguely recollect some Geisters finding out that the Other is a bad guy, but not in outer Mechanicsburg.


https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20210818 - Othar saved Eotain, one of the Geisterdamen in Paris, after the Queen of the Dawn (Zola) sent them into a fight to have them all killed. Eotain then convinced some of the other Geisterdamen that Agatha was really the Holy One, not her mother.

Desmond Auer

I tinks we can gets der gneral ide of the geister conversation... tsk tsk Oggie...all FIVE at once? Are they going to share the hat round?