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Ok, I love this guy's little lodge hat. It must be staying on with magic.

I keep hoping that someday I'll get a pair of reindeer antlers for Christmas because they make this guy's antlers look positively tame. Reindeer shed their antlers every year so some of the farms sell them, but I think they're kind of expensive. Anyway, real reindeer antlers are wild and eldrich looking and I love them.

I'm running very behind on my own Christmas shopping, I think I'll be giving a lot of people cookies.

Ok, I'm off for now! I'll be back with the colors probably sometime Sunday. Thank you everyone!




William Ansley

On the previous page, I thought the Polar Lord had been diminished to child-sized, but it looks as if he actually would still be taller than Agatha if he were standing up. Perhaps he has been killed by a member of the British or Wulfenbach forces. It is easy to believe that they might be so frightened by the prospect of him regaining his full powers that they would risk firing on him even with Agatha so close. Or perhaps someone other than Neena has some idea of what he might reveal and was desperate to prevent him from saying any more.


Someone killing him before he can talk (wonder if the armies of the Polar Lords have political officers embedded?) makes a lot more sense to me than a short-range suicide explosion. Someone with an ego - and purported lifespan - like this guy, I'd expect a suicide nuke.

Michael Bacon

Yeah, colors add a whole new exciting question to the last one. It's very flame-like, but it's . . . blue? Obviously could be super-hot flame but we've seen blue flames like that with "fwoshes" in other places, notably the Queen's flames. The page obviously implies the polar lords are very old, unless he's just lying, and I don't think he is (at least not completely). Is the FWOSH the remnant of some equivalent of queen's fire coming out of him?

William Ansley

Someone on the Girl Genius wiki discussion group suggested that the blast came from the Polar Lords' "ice ship" (which I have to admit I'd forgotten about). https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20231027 https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20231103 Whoever is captaining that ship could be motivated to eliminate Mr. Antler Hat to keep him from revealing secrets or just for being defeated and disgracing the reputation of the Polar Lords. That could be an explanation for why the blast SFX is in a flame-like font (unlike the previous cold attacks) but is colored blue (unlike the previous heat attacks from the Wulfenbach forces).